Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your or You're...that is indeed the question

This post will be a running list of grammatical pet peeves of mine. now, I'm under no illusions that I'm an English PhD professor, but there are some nonsensical blunders that irk me so very badly.
  • Definately ( if you can't tell what's wrong with that word then ... Shoo)
  • "Could of" instead of Could have. This makes my skin crawl...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sitting here...

I'm sitting here...with you on my shoulder. You're dozing off...at least trying to. And I feel love...like nothing I've ever felt before. So much love...and it's all for you. It's been 2 months, since you came into our world. 2 months, since you took my breath away. 2 months, sine I gave you my heart...and it's been the best 2 months of my life. Cliched though it may sound but tis true...tis very true. I still wake up and like a kid on Christmas morning running to the tree to see what Santa brought, I walk to your bassinet, look down at you and smile...smile at my gift...which God alone decided to bless me with. You look at me with inquisitive eyes and I can't help but wonder what's churning in that brain of yours.

On having a baby..

On August 17th, about two months ago, I gave birth to a healthy 9lb 15oz baby boy. As many parents say, it was the BEST day of my life, by far. Hearing my baby's first cry was magical and I couldn't wait to take him home with me.

This was by no means a surprise pregnancy. O and I definitely planned it down to the T. But as earlier tries were unsuccessful, finding out we were actually pregnant was pure joy. And then worry...worrying about making it through the first trimester, then about passing the sequential screen - both parts, then about anything that could harm my baby in hydro, then about the delivery which ended up being a C section. The worrying never stops, it just changes.

I remember, on one Friday during the pregnancy, I started having abdominal pains at work. They weren't too bad so I ignored them for the most part, but by the time I got home from work, I reAlized they were contractions and The pain was sooo bad I ended up going to the ER. I had to wait for O to get hom, he had gone out of town and was on his way back home. I sat at the dining table by the front door waiting, all the while doubled over in pain when each on traction hit. Unfortunately, none of the RE docs could figure out what was causing my pain. Isn't that the worst??? When something's wrong but the experts can't figure it out?! The ER doc initially thought I could be having a miscarriage so they did 2 different ultrasounds but the baby was doing great so they went back to scratching their heads. Eventually, I was discharged, still in pain, but because the docs didn't find anything wrong, they would'nt prescribe any pain meds. I was instructed to see my OB the following Monday though. So I spent the weekend in pain and on Monday, I went in to see my OB, Dr C. Needless to say, after explaining the symptoms to Dr C, it took him all of 30 seconds to accurately diagnose what two other docs could not after spending hours in the ER even with all the bloodwork and ultrasounds. The second ER doc is also in my OB's practice. I LOVE my OB! I seriously wanted to hug him! He then gave me a prescription for percoset and sent me on my merry way.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

what shat that?

Seriously. There's a book by that title in existence! See it here. Totally had me cracking up. What a hoot.

Friday, September 23, 2011

On seeing a 3D movie

Sometime during the summer, Hubby and I went to the movies. I was he'll bent on seeing Tangled but hubby was he'll bent on not seeing it. So, for the first time, we saw separate movies while at the theater at the same time. I must say, it did feel kinda weird but off we went! Tagged is a remake of the Children's book, Rapunzel, of the "Rapunzel, Rapunzel!, let down your hair" fame. It was showing in 3D at the IMAX theater so I was given 3D glasses on my way in. 3D aspect was kinda cool, you really feel as though objects are no longer constrained to the screen as they come right out at ya. The movie itself, meh. I'll stick with the version I read as a child not so many moons ago. Another one off the list!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I just realized that over the last few months I've completed about 6 additional tasks on my list and I still haven't updated the blog. I will be doing so hopefully in the near future.

Big news!

I have some exciting news to share with the non existent readers of my blog...my baby smiled at me today...for the first time!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

On becoming a us citizen

So I finally became a us citizen yesterday. Woo hoo! Crossing another one off the ol' list

Sunday, July 3, 2011

White balance

Here's a pretty good video on setting the custom white balance for my camera. I'm taking pics right now for a slideshow and I want them to look grreat...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is here

Took this pic in our front yard. Ahhh, spring...