Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One façade, two façade, three façade, four!


Why oh why do we ALL 'front'. It's enough to make this gal scream. Why do we hide...behind this shield of flawed perfection....this tough nut exterior...this mask of non chalance...when all we want to do is ...AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

Image obtained here

Some of the most sensitive ppl I have had the honor of knowing are described by others - read: ppl who don't really know them - as 'tough as nails'. Ummm... Yeah.... NOT. Why? They put on this air of...'nothing phases me' because EVERYTHING phases them. I'd rather...ummm I mean they'd rather be fake than let ppl know they've been hurt by the actions of others...intentionally malicious or no. K, I'm bored with this line of reasoning. Old news...really

I see it everyday. Ppl lash out viciously at others in macho defiance instead of admitting they've been deeply wounded... by the lack of a phonecall, a forgotten birthday,plain old insensitivity.

What's the origin of the fear? The unwillingness....the inability to lay oneself bare before another in admission of hurt. Ridicule? Rejection?

Why do we seek vengeance instead of resolution? Why hold on to the hurt ....thereby enveloping oneself in the dreary darkness that is unforgiveness. Why live in pain and negativity....when all we have to do is...let it go... let vengeance truly be God's. When all we have to do is forgive... and learn from the experience. Lay ourselves bare even, admitting our feelings to whomever struck the blow to our ego...and we might be pleasantly surprised by the reaction. The incident might even bring us closer together...

Why the façade?

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