Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is this love is this love is this love is this love that I'm feeling...

Take your candle, go light your world


Where is the line. Is it so blurred that we've lost blurred that we now blend in, so blurred that we are now yoked together?

Love, Love, Love, yes, but where has honesty gone? Has tact swallowed it up? Has tolerance overshadowed truth? Whatever happened to the truth. God's truth. What happened to accepting it...believing it...professing it? Professing it to all...even to those in direct violation of it. Does tact diminish the message when we do attempt to relay it? Does it warp the message altogether and make it of no effect? Are we compromising? Afraid of being different...of being identified as one with unpopular views...afraid

I love you but...You're my brother but...You're my best friend but... Will what comes next destroy what we have? Will my not speaking up cause me to lose a bit of faith... my relationship with the One who matters most? Which relationship is more important? Note the question is not which should be but which IS? What we believe, preach, practice, why do they differ?

Do not fear what man can do to you. Do not be afraid of being unpopular. The group dynamic is prone to flawed judgements and error. Fitting into it is not a priority. God is. What He thinks of you is most important. Obeying His mandate is your purpose. Do not be afraid to speak out and to stand up for that in which you believe. Remember though, that God is love. All our actions must be done in Love. Tolerance and tact are to help us in delivering the message. Let them not become the enemy...let them not warp the truth.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's raining, like magic...

It's raining now, and all is quiet. Save cars zipping by in a hurry, and the gentle sound of renewal. Save my thoughts , a mile a minute, and the welcome sound of raindrops tapping the window, the sill, the ground. It's raining now and with it a stirring of peace, contentment, satisfaction, meditation, desire. Not of Eros but of knowledge, a oneness, a yearning for in depth understanding, faith, growth, regeneration, rebirth, renewal.

It's raining now and with it a hunger to learn, to be amazed, enthralled, enlightened, blown away, ...a friend.

Why dost thou desire what eludes you so... Why dost that elude you which is within your reach...why dost thou fail to see it, grab it, hold on to it? It is one thing to desire, quite another to obtain.

It's raining now and there is such peace, all around, all within. Hope also, for the uprising. For the charge, to take it. For the power, to wield it.

It's raining ..

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Will blog for CHANGE

I'm still kinda bummed out that Obama lost the primaries yesterday. I hope this isn't the beginning of a downward spiral for his campaign. Here's hoping he kicks tail in the other big states and shoves Hillary out of the running. Delegates, delegates, pledge for CHANGE.

When I found you...

~ Brittany Spears

I came across this website a few days ago while browsing one of the many wedding blogs I visit on a daily basis. Some of the pics are sooo cute and the captions pretty witty.

Here are a few of my favorites:

You stood up and stole it from me...give it all back

~ Anon

What are the odds of that... I wrote a post about love and all it's relativity and many expressions and then my phone ate it up...

Too bad. Why am I so melancholy these days...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Is it easier to forgive yourself or one who has wronged you?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Not what it seems

~ Something Corporate

I'M IN A SO SO MOOD RIGHT NOW. Didn't mean to yell but I didn't
realize my caps button was on and I don't feel like back spacing.

Why can't all just be well? Why can't one make plans and have
everything go according to those plans. Why is there evil in the
world? So much sadness, despair, sorrow, it's so discouraging. Scary.
Are your issues irrelevant if mine are more severe? What yardstick
does one use to measure the severity and validity of issues/problems.
Does your stolen car matter less than mine because you make ten times
as much money as I do? Why is it ok for me to wail and sorrow about it
but not for you to do the same. Why is all relative? When did
absolutes become the enemy? A = A no matter the situation,
circumstances people involved and all.

So this is my first blog post from my cell phone. Well, actually, it's the second, but the first was a test so it doesn't count, does it?
Will blog for relief