Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's raining, like magic...

It's raining now, and all is quiet. Save cars zipping by in a hurry, and the gentle sound of renewal. Save my thoughts , a mile a minute, and the welcome sound of raindrops tapping the window, the sill, the ground. It's raining now and with it a stirring of peace, contentment, satisfaction, meditation, desire. Not of Eros but of knowledge, a oneness, a yearning for in depth understanding, faith, growth, regeneration, rebirth, renewal.

It's raining now and with it a hunger to learn, to be amazed, enthralled, enlightened, blown away, ...a friend.

Why dost thou desire what eludes you so... Why dost that elude you which is within your reach...why dost thou fail to see it, grab it, hold on to it? It is one thing to desire, quite another to obtain.

It's raining now and there is such peace, all around, all within. Hope also, for the uprising. For the charge, to take it. For the power, to wield it.

It's raining ..

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