Sunday, June 29, 2008

Have you ever

...wondered about the path thus trodden? The turns... decisions that have led you to the very spot ...the very fragments of sand, gravel, carpet, tile... on which your feet are standing? What would you change. Which of the many decisions would you reverse? Is this where you thought you would be. Is this burden the one you thought would be yours? if you could go back in time, what would you do differently...what mistakes wld you knowingly repeat. Would you still embark upon that journey that left you ...damaged ...a shell of your former self....just to enjoy the short lived thrill? How much would you change...and would you still be you if you changed all those things? If you bypass the fire, would you still be the shiny...coin...that you are today?

Friday, June 20, 2008


Aaaaaaanndd the invites are done!! All done! Well, envelopes still need to be addressed and stuffed but the hard part is finito! All the measuring, printing, cutting, assembling, gluing, stacking, sealing...all done. Phew!

Image obtained here

P.S. I love you

...Not the old detective series, which I really liked, but the movie, which I just finished watching five minutes ago.

Now I'm by no means a movie critic but I am very critical of movies. I'm rarely impressed by them and find most an utter waste of my time, not to speak of the reduction in brain matter which can only be attributed to the dumbing down content of most movies out today. I'm partial to the oldies, Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Doris Day, Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, and the like - they just don't make them like they used to. The last movie that I found impressive was "V for Vendetta", and that came out in 2005.

Truth be told, I wasn't going to watch P.S. I love you. I'd read the book a couple of summers ago - actually, I listened to the book on tape on my drive to and from work and thought it was OK. Not great, but rather sweet and well thought out. Fast forward to a week ago when I was looking for movies to add to my Blockbuster queue. I was in somewhat of a rush when I happened upon the movie and quickly selected it. I expected little from it, and kinda expected it to go the way of most Dramedys these days, loads of crap with a double helping of cheese. I finally watched it today and I must admit, I am impressed. The movie, for me, was better than the book. There was not an ounce of cheese! Not once did I roll my eyes at the predictability of any scene. I half thought the movie would end with Hillary and Harry Connick Jr beginning a life together - now that would have been mucho predictable. But it didn't. It ended with Hillary growing up, coming into her own, and building her relationship with her Mum. The movie had me emotional - and while I didn't actually cry, tears did come to my eyes many times - there was just SO much love in the movie. Gerry loved her to no end. The love was so convincing. She loved him too but she was rather a brat, to him and to her friends. The final scene had me tearing up and laughing at the same time - when her mum dropped the sweets and began to laugh. It was good to see her laugh. I hope she finds love again...with William's Dad. She so deserves it. To think that even though she was never too fond of Gerry, she still carried out his wishes and mailed all those letters and all. What a good mother. Sometimes we don't realize that our Mothers do what they do out of love for us...and because they have a better view of the big picture.

The movie made me think. Gerry knew he was going to die and he made all these preparations for Holly help her embrace life and to help her move on with her life. What a man in true love. It made me wonder what legacy we leave behind to our loved ones when we die. Death is so sudden and so final ....wouldn't it leave something behind...a voice...a letter ...from beyond? What would I leave OS, for instance...I wonder.

P.S. I love likey.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Missing you

I don't think about you ...not all the time
but when I do...I miss you
It's surprising how much i do
The sillyness..idiocy...the just plain 'wrongness' of
Like silly schoolgirls...the 'recaps'...the sharing...the 'crashing'...heh...the crashing
two otherwise intelligent people...reduced to mere schoolgirl antics...
and loving every minute of it
The late nights, in person...on the phone
The one second glances that spoke volumes
The two to three word texts that had us in stitches
No one else understood us...our language...our code
with just a got it...I got one else did
We had fun... a blast...every time...unlike with any other
The most fun.
And I miss it.
Now... now it's just ...akward
to even see to you
Is there too much...too much that cannot be healed
Can you forgive...can I?
Is there anything to forgive? I don't remember.
Has too much time passed?
Would that be a good thing... or a bad thing?
We try...we're trying...
I know we are
And in time...who knows

A thousand words...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Here comes...revisited

Well, it didn't fit. Actually, it was a very tight fit. VERY. Gosh
darn it...back to WW and gyming

Shortie got low low low low...

Got my first offer yesterday. Nothing to get excited about...It was
such a lowball offer that I was disgusted. Oh well, We'll keep
chugging along...