Thursday, November 13, 2008

There but for the grace of God, go I.

Some days I wonder, is there good…or is there bad.
Is it all black and white…or a perfect gray…not just a gray area…just all grey?
I’m fascinated by Law and Order…more so than CSI
By Tru TV…more so than ABC
We’re inclined to see them as horrible, despicable, immoral, evil, less than human, malevolent, wicked, …but are they?

I read an article on the 1978 Jonestown murders. Horrible. So sad…and I wanted to know more. So I googled and googled…and read and read ..and finally came across this article…not just about Jonestown, but about the collective ‘cult-like’ phenomena. The brainwashing of otherwise ‘good’ people…who eventually turn into people who would feed cyanide to ~250 helpless children…all for what? What they consider to be the ‘greater good’? Why were ‘they’ so susceptible to being brainwashed? What about them made them such targets, so ‘gullible’, so willing to relinquish control to another human. Not God, Allah, or whatever deity anyone may subscribe…but another human??? Why? We – those who have not fallen into the trap of a cult like group – may look at these folks as weak, broken, stupid even, but if we dig deeper, research these groups and former participants, we may realize there is not much that separates us…not much that differentiates us…but the grace of God. There but for the grace of God, go I.

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