Tuesday, December 30, 2008

You don't know how to play the game...

...you cheat and you lie
~ Kings Philosopher

"I love you...you're my world...I would never do anything to hurt you...you mean everything to me...I could never stop loving you..." He says...And then you find out...through whatever means...that he's lied...all consuming, mind blowing lies...unbelievable deception the likes of which is far stranger than fiction. You're numb...your world is shattered...the utopia, everything you believed, you held dear, everything...violently yanked from your grasp without warning. Confusion...hurt...Numbness...disbelief...debilitated...anger...oh anger.
Then you confront him...knowing he'll prove it's all untrue...and everything will be alright again...the sun and moon back in alignment...utopia restored once again. Alas, that is not to be, the horror is not a nightmare after all, the betrayal...deception...lies...all reality. Yelling, name calling, screaming, cursing, threats...from you. Apologies...from him. You end things ...the four or five year relationship. You'll never get back together with him again.never again. You cry...the pain feels physical...like it'll never stop. You can't eat, can't sleep, can't talk ...not without breaking down. You're a blubbering mass of unbearable..mind numbing pain. And then you begin to wonder...if you had a hand in the deception...if maybe you even caused it. After all, this isn't the person you know...knew...this isn't the same guy who woo'd you...who swept you off your feet. Why, that person must be be there somewhere...maybe if you both tried again...maybe.
And the cycle goes on...the vicious cycle...of relationships...deception...lies...and the like.

That's her story. And while I'm not unfeeling and I do empathize...after all...it's hard to detach yourself from someone you've been with for years...is the alternative...a life fraught with distrust, unhappiness, jealousy, unnecessary hypertension, worth it?

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