Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baby I'm amazed by you


I've been researching digital cameras for a little over a week. I love photography but I get easily overwhelmed by all the photography jargon. Exposure, ISO, Assist focus lamp, effective pixels, aliasing, live view, metering, aspect ratio, ... ouch...my head hurts already. Anyways I've decided to get a 'serious' camera and gently ease myself into understanding all the complicated photog speak. I scoured the web, blogs, user reviews, photography websites (btw, dpreview.com always rocks when you need indepth reviews of cameras/lens) and narrowed down my choices to two cameras. The Nikon D60 and the Canon EOS 450 (Rebel XSi). Both cameras are great on paper and have awesome reviews so it was tough choosing one.

A lot of users on photography forums recommend going in to a store to handle the cameras and then choosing the camera that 'feels' good to the individual (with regards to comparing these two cams specifically). Based on this, I went in to Best buy to check both cameras out in person. I quickly spotted the Canon and walked over to it. On picking it up I realized it was turned off and attempted to turn it on. When it didn't come on, I asked a sales rep for help. She played around with the camera for a few seconds and said, "I'm sorry, the battery is dead." Well charge the darn thing then, isn't that why you have the bad boy on display! But I didn't say that. Instead I kindly asked if she could charge it but her answer was that it would take too long. I was like WTH?! Too long for...? I then asked if they had the Nikon D60 and she went off to check. She came back with the Nikon but said it was broken. I couldn't even look at her for fear she'd see the sheer disgust on my face. This would never have happened at Circuit City. If my precious CC were still around I never would have ventured into Best buy in the first place. Needless to say my trip to check out the cameras in person was a waste.

After my futile visit, I did some more research and finally (after almost basing my decision on a coin toss) chose one!

The Canon 450D!

Images courtesy of dpreview.com

Totally drool-worthy no? I finally ordered it and it's scheduled to arrive tomorrow!!! I can't wait to start getting to know my new baby!

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