Thursday, September 30, 2010


How cute is this! I especially love the "Our forevers go together" card.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

On International vacations

I love to travel. Actually, given that I do not do much traveling, I guess it's more appropriate to say I love the idea of traveling. There are quite a few places I'd love to visit, unfortunately, life keeps getting in the way.

That doesn't stop me from researching travel hot spots though. I plan itineraries and price trips and activities because it make me happy. At least I know that when I have the opportunity to travel, half the research will already be done.

Here is my current travel wish list (in no particular order).

1. Disney World, Florida


Yes, yes, I know this is not an international location but it stays because, well, I wanna go soooo badly lol. And yes, there's a big kid in me. Despite the fact that I went to Disney world in 2004, I've always wanted to go back. In fact, as soon as I left Disney world, i wanted to hop right on another flight and return to the awesomeness that is mickey's world.

2. St. Barth's


Yes, I'm clearly a victim of trashy TV because ever since I saw the episode of "Bethenny's getting married" where Bethenny and her hubby go to St. Barth's for their honeymoon, I've yearned to take a trip down there and enjoy a luxurious vacation. I loved that Bethenny's hotel/villa had a private secluded pool and they were sooo close to the beach. I've researched this trip so often, I almost feel like I've been there. Almost. Sigh.

3. Italy
Oh where do I begin. Milan, Florence, Rome, Venice, you name it, if it's in Italy, I want to visit. Major sigh.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My very first Louis Vuitton - Damier Trevi know how I've had my eye on the LV Trevi for a while right, well, I got it today!


While I've been drooling over the trevi for a while, I certainly did not wake up this morning with the intention that I would take the leap and get it. It was the furthest thing from my mind honestly. but as the day wore on, the Trevi popped into my mind and I kinda got a bit ticked off that I never really spend money on myself. I think I got so ticked off that I decided in anger to make a big purchase and that was that. I got in my car and headed to the mall fully expecting that before I got there, I would come to my senses and scoff at the thought of plunking down that much cash for the Trevi. I drove into the mall, parked my car, got out, walked into Nordstrom and stopped at the handbag section, hoping I would find something less expensive there that I liked as much as the Trevi. At this point, I was trying to back out without actually chickening out but it didn't work out. Nothing caught my fancy and I was determined not to go home without a new handbag. A bit deflated that nothing at Nordstrom deterred me from moving on to the Louis Vuitton store, I carried on and entered the store, still fully expecting to chicken out at any point. When I got to the store, I noticed that I was sweating. I'm not sure if it was from the summer heat (which refuses to go away despite the fact that it's September and it's supposed to be the fall season, but that's another story) or the fact that I was beyond nervous. As I stood with little beads of sweat trickling down my face, I stared at the Trevi which had held my fancy for so long. A sales associate finally came up to me and I asked to see the Trevi. As I held it in my hands, I realized that I loved it now as much as the first day I saw it. It was now or never. I also noticed that the price had gone up. Again!. Gah!! After a few seconds, the SA asked if I liked the Trevi; if only she knew; I indicated that I wanted to purchase it and she began to ring me up. Once I had given her my credit card, drivers license, and I'd signed the receipt, she handed me Trevi in a Louis Vuitton stamped gift bag. I walked to my car, got in and pulled out my new baby to take a closer look. Here are a few pictures.





I'm not sure yet if I'm happy I got it, or if I'm shell shocked that I spent that much money on an accessory, a want not a need, a mere superficial item. I guess only time will tell.

At least I get to cross off another item off my thirty-two before 32 list. Yay!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On #9. Go to an art museum

Checking another item off my list and it totally involved killing two birds with one stone.

This past weekend, I went to my brother in-law's wedding. The ceremony was held at a beautiful church in Philadelphia and the reception was guessed it, a museum! It was a gorgeous location and dinner was setup in the chinese rotunda amidst Egyptian artifacts and a 90 foot dome. Later on, after dinner was served and everyone was on the dance floor, I walked around to adjoining rooms and took pictures of some eerie skeletons and mummies. The entire museum was open for guests to roam through and gaze at the displays.

Art museum, check!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funny pic

From pw. Love the baby's expression.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Graphic design

I design invitations. I print them as well. And I really enjoy it, like seriously love the design phase, and watching an idea mature from conception till it becomes reality in the form of crisp type on lovely paper. But I'm not sure I have what it takes to do this professionally. I'm still under the impression that one has to be a graphic designer to excel at invitation design. Yet, I can't draw to save my life. Dilemma dilemma.

Today, I walked into a print shop. my goal was to maybe volunteer to help out or see if they offered workshops on the printing process, or ...I don't know. Well, the printer was a really nice old man and no, he didn't offer workshops, but maybe the town community center did, actually, he was pretty sure they did. I then asked what one would need in order to qualify to work in his shop, and he said, you guessed it, Graphic Design. On the drive back home, I googled "Must I be a graphic designer to design invites" and this article came up on, written by Elle Phillips. It did give me some hope cuz I was kinda bummed out after talking to the printer...

Paper-Source envelope weight

I called Paper-Source today to inquire about the weight of their envelopes (specifically the Curry envelopes I ended up ordering online). Turns out they are 80lb text weight. That's my gold standard from now on. It's got a very nice feel to it and it's very solid. No more flimsy 60 lb weight envelope for this here gal. Thank you paper-source, you rock.

I ordered the A7.5 curry envelopes a couple of weeks ago as the store I went do did not have them in stock. I ordered 10 packs (each pack has 10 envelopes so I got 100 envelopes total) and with both the 50% off sale and the 10% off coupon code I had in an email, I ended up paying $ 22.50 (before shipping and taxes). Nice!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

On #13. Backup my computer

Whee...! I finally got one thing done per my thirty two by 32 list!! Go me!

A few weeks ago, I ordered this baby from Amazon. Do I really need 1TB? No, it's kinda overkill, but I figured OS can use it to back up his computer as well and maybe we can store all our music on this sweet storage device as well.

The external hard drive actually arrived a few days ago but I've been busy getting the wedding favors ready for my brother-in-law's wedding so I only got around to tackling this task tonight. I chose to back up my entire computer so it took 3 hours and 9 minutes but my baby's all backed up now. Hmm...that didn't come out right.

And just in case I ever need to restore any data, this looks like a good article.

Friday, September 10, 2010

iPhone4 vs HTC Evo

ZOMG. This is THE funniest thing I've EVER seen! It had me LOL' work!

Ha ha ha...!


This pic made me lol. It's as though the cat is thinking... So. Not. Funny.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Diy envelopes

Very informative resource.

These too!

The instructions to "cut 1/8 of an inch off of each side (so the liner can slide in more easily), and 3/4 of an inch off the bottom so that the whole thing is staggered below the glue line." were priceless and definitely turned the light bulb on.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Paper source - colors

curry- #7405M (you’re probably printing on uncoated stock, but the solid matte book matches better than the uncoated book), or #7405U but lighter. It has a twinge of green to it.
pool- #7464U, slightly deeper
lake- #7468U, but a shade lighter

Guess who's in town???

Here's a hint...


Oooooh yeaaaah, Paper Source baby! I'm so excited because a paper store opened up close to me - I'm such a paper nerd! My love for paper Source began during my wedding planning days, constantly reading wedding blogs and seeing all the delicious paper choices and numerous stationery colors other brides purchased from their local Paper Source. I never ordered from the store because, let's face it, it's kinda pricey and I'd have to pay shipping to boot.

Well, I resisted the urge to purchase any products from them ...that is until i saw these envelopes, in a lovely yellow color named 'curry'. I swooned and almost hit the submit button on my purchase but still, the prices deterred me. I wanted to purchase a single pack or a sample so I could verify the color was indeed as awesome in person, as it was online, but again, the shipping costs held me at bay.

Fast forward to last night, I decided to purchase some A7.5 envelopes (aka #7) so I went a googlin' and guess what the first search result was? you guessed it, Paper source. I clicked on the link and gazed longingly upon the curry A7.5 envelopes which would be perfect for...I don't know what yet, I'm sure I'll find an occasion or someone to make invites for :).

It gets better! I discovered the curry colored envelopes are 50% off! Yay!!! I put 10 packs in my shopping cart and was about to hit submit when I decided to check out their store locations again. Maybe I'd find an excuse to drive to NY or DC to check out these envelopes in store first.

Well, whaddya know, I clicked on 'New Stores and what did I see???
"Paper Source Ardmore - NOW OPEN!"

Eeeeeekkkkk!!! They just opened up last weekend August 28th! Wow, it must be fate! I just so happen to be off from work today and I was going into the city to run some errands. I am SO stopping by this new store !

Nerdy McNerd, I know