Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Philadelphia Museum of Art, cont'd

First post here.

Next up, the infamous thinker! "The Thinker" conceived by Auguste Rodin, 1880

Is this some variation on Cupid? I missed the description of this sculpture

Next up, we walked into a war artifact exhibit with lots of swords, helmets, general war time paraphernalia.

See how long these guns are?? How did soldiers wield these in battle? Sheesh.

Is this level of detail necessary in a war/killing implement??

All right. That's enough war stuff. I stopped taking pictures and because all this violent stuff was just too gory for my liking, we left this exhibit and went to the Asian art exhibit.

Interesting Italian history lesson on marriage

"Predella panels showing christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lamentation, and the Resurrection" by Rodrigo de osona the Elder, 1465

This was a room in the Museum, it reminds me of Disney world. In Epcot (I think, it has been - oh - 8 years or so since I was there last), there are different 'countries' and this room reminded me of that concept.

Once the tour ended, Hubby and I were hungry so we took a cab down to Reading Terminal Market. I'd done some research on 'must-eats' in the market so we immediately searched for DiNic's so we could try out the much loved Roast Pork sandwich.

Once we spotted DiNic's, the line was rather long so we were sure the food had to be awesome. I got the Roasted pork sandwich and hubby got the Roasted Beef sandwich with provolone and hot peppers. Hubby's hot peppers were so fuhreakin' hot that he took one bite and immediately removed all peppers from the rest of the sandwich. I'll be honest, I won't be trying the Roast Pork again. I didn't enjoy it, which was kinda surprising to me given all the rave reviews. The bread was soo soggy almost immediately once I peeled back the layers of paper enveloping the sandwich and , it just wasn't a very tasty meal. hubby only ate half his sandwich and threw the rest away.

Once that ordeal was over, we went looking for the 4th Street Cookie Co. where we ordered chocolate chip cookies and a white chocolate chip cookie with macadamia nuts. I'm not a fan of chocolate chip cookies but this one was so warm and gooey and pretty good. The white chocolate chip cookie with macadamia nuts however, was amazing. I'll definitely be getting that again next time we go down to the market.

Lunch over, we cabbed it back to the museum area and this time, went to the Perelman Building (another part of the museum). Here we saw the Gross clinic which was rather interesting. There was a video cataloging the restoration project the main painting went through.

Here are the only pictures I took before an attendant informed me that no pictures were allowed because some of the paintings were from private collections on loan to the museum. Whatevs :).

Whew! there you have it, Hubby's and my trip to the city. We had so much fun at the museum but the terminal Market was kinda a bust. We'll be back though, to try different things and hopefully, they'll be worth the trip.

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