Friday, August 27, 2010

On #27. Donate to a new charity - Part 1

I thought this would be the easiest task to accomplish and thus cross off the list. Boy, was I wrong. I'm now so conflicted and I'll tell you why.

My first stop was on the intranet at work where there was an article reminding all employees that the flood victims in Pakistan need monetary donations and my company would match all donations as long as we donated through a specific charity. It was a no-brainer, donate to a charity and my money would count twice as much thanks to the maching policy. Yay. Not so fast there hon. My donation is from my tithes, and if I strictly adhere to Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse", would helping flood victims in Pakistan be considered the storehouse? Would this charity be bringing food and the word to the people? Or would they just be bringing food? If it's just food then I don't think it qualifies.

I've always been of the opinion, since I left my last church, that the storehouse is not stricly necessarily, the church. I have decided it's okay to give to charities who spread the gospel - and if they cater to orphans and widows while doing that then hey, that's infinitely better. Right?

I decided not to donate to this charity and cause solely because the money I'm using is my tithe. Well, also because I have previously donated to this charity. I wish there was a clear definition of 'storehouse'. Jesus was all about the fatherless and widows, but do they constitute the 'storehouse'? Hmm...

So I decided to keep looking for a new charity that passed my criteria - proclaiming the word of God while hopefully caring for orphans and widows.

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