Thursday, August 5, 2010

Previously a four letter word...

Previously? Still?

Divorce used to be a four letter word where I grew up. It was very rare. Most parents I knew had pretty shitty marriages but they would die first (one unfortunately, literally) before admitting their marriage a failure.

Infidelity was a rampant as having breakfast. Physical violence was tolerated, afterall, such was life in a marriage.

Most married women I knew growing up would meet up with their married friends, gripe about their marriages, husband's faults, infidelity, and then ran home to have dinner waiting for the same husbands when (read: if) they came home.

It trickled down, my male friends thought nothing of 'two-timing' a gal. It was actually a thing of pride. Of course, gals do it too.

I'm sad.

A couple I know is currently going though ...something.

One of them was unfaithful.

Not much shocks me but I must say I was sooo heart broken. I did not expect this to be said of them. Either one. Will they survive? What does 'survive' even mean in a situation such as this? Is it 'surviving' to continue in the marriage? Or is 'surviving' getting a divorce from someone who so callously betrayed their spouses trust, and then finding their own two feet again? Is there a correct answer? Is there only one answer?

Why is infidelity so common? Why is something so painful, hurtful, debilitating, world-shattering so easily commited by the one person who vowed to do anything but...

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